Hi, I’m Amanda Ovalle
Amanda Ovalle, grew up in Fremont, Nebraska. After high school, she lived in Blair for a while before finally relocating to Omaha. She has a 9-year-old son and two cats.
Amanda does not spend much time on the couch, and probably wouldn't even if she had the time. “I play softball, and my son does a variety of sports. He plays football, probably number one, and he plays basketball, and he plays soccer, so we're always doing something sport-related between me or him.”
When she finally does settle down to consume some media, she prefers podcasts. Especially the kind with murder and crime and conspiracies, which is funny because when it comes to film and television, “I like everything except for scary movies. It sounds kind of funny because of the podcasts.”
In the past, Amanda traveled extensively in Europe and South America. She speaks Spanish fluently as a result of her semester abroad in Granada, and Spain remains a favorite country. One of the things she enjoyed about living there was tapas, the brilliant culinary tradition of eating small plates of food and making a meal of appetizers. “You go out and get drinks and tapas. It's the culture of it, really fun.”
Nowadays, her travel is a little bit closer to home. “I take frequent trips to Colorado. My best friend lives out there, so we'll just go out for a weekend or a little longer.”
Amanda bought a house last year, and remodeling projects occupy a lot of her free time. “I guess I could say that's one of my hobbies right now. I'm redoing so many things in the house. I've got Pinterest boards and ideas of redoing the basement bathroom. And my kitchen is going to be redone. I just put in new flooring, things like that.” Is that quite enough to keep her busy? Oh, no, it is not.
“In the basement, it's got kind of those old brown panel boards. I'm going to take all that down and get some actual drywall. . .” and yes there’s more. If you want to be inspired (or feel like a lazy bum), ask Amanda about her “hobby” the next time you see her.
This is my desk.