Hi, I’m Debra Christensen
Debra and Christian officially started Bluestone in 2001 after getting married in 2000 and committing to only do things that make them want to get out of bed in the morning. People often ask her how she can work with her husband, and her answer is that once you know how to work with each other, it can be great. The partnership works well because they have such different skill sets. She handles the finance side of things, working with banks and investors, while her partner is the “. . . big-picture, deal-maker, idea guy. He has 1000 ideas for every one we actually do.” Debra is the detail-oriented one and is more about execution.
“You have to have the same goals and the same motives and values. As long as that is set, then we both come to the table with our strengths to get to the end goal. It’s a (mostly) perfect partnership.” Since they understand each other’s strengths, they know how to give each other room to work.
Being the only female in a very male household (three sons, one husband, and one super-hyper boy dog) has its challenges, but Debra loves being a mom. On the rare occasion that the house is quiet, she likes to read or enjoy a nice glass of wine. She also likes cooking and entertaining. And of course, travel is a family priority.
Her big, non-work related passion is Bruce Springsteen, and as a former music and drama kid, she also loves musical theater in general and Broadway in specific. As it happens, Bruce has been doing a series of small, intimate shows in a 900-person theater on Broadway, which is pretty much Debra’s idea of a perfect date. After spending six months in the lottery, she finally got eighth-row tickets to the Springsteen show. She’s bringing Christian along to remind her not to run off with The Boss.
This is my desk.