Hi, I’m Zac Leith
Bluestone’s new Senior Vice President, Zac Leith, grew up on a cattle ranch outside Creston, Iowa. He attended the University of Iowa and started his banking career in Des Moines. After getting engaged in 2016, an opportunity arose at the bank’s branch in Omaha. Though his then-fiance/now-wife is from Texas, she has people in Omaha, too, which pretty much clinched the deal. “Given her family connection and my desire to get out from the mothership in Des Moines, we decided to venture a couple hours West.”
While he started on “the debt side” of the bank, by 2019 Zac was ready to jump over to the equity side. “That's where I got exposed to real estate investments and development and all things related to the investment management side. I fell in love with that.” When the opportunity with Bluestone arrived, he was ready for it.
Zac and Sarah have been married almost six years now and have two kids, four-year-old Oliver and their going-on-three-year-old girl, Scout. They are active in their church and when they travel, it’s usually to see family. “Either we're going back to Iowa to play on the farm or down to Texas to just be outside and active with her family.” It doesn't take long to figure out that Zac's biggest priority is family.
Zac is focused on “making sure we are using our time together as a family to be purposeful, engaging in activities where we're either creating experiences or developing the kids’ talents. It's too easy to let the weekends fly by.” He has fond memories of working on the ranch with his three brothers. “Looking back, it was incredibly valuable. A goal of mine in the future is to be able to present that opportunity to my kids, to be able to be free outdoors, learn how to work with their hands and focus on getting a job done regardless of whether or not it's comfortable. I think that has shaped more of who I am than anything. . . It's always been that experience that kind of pushed me along.” Whatever pushed him here, we’re lucky his life led Zac to Bluestone.
This is my desk.